Why does Marine need its own range?

Devices used to protect ships, oil and gas platforms and wind farms must surpass additional testing in order to ensure that they are able to withstand the operating environments faced. This testing includes products being exposed to extended high and low temperatures, increased corrosion, salt mist, increased levels of shock and vibration and increased levels of EMC.

We’re pleased to confirm our Discovery Marine range of addressable devices and our Orbis Marine range of conventional devices have gained certificates from numerous marine specific approval bodies:

Marine approvals.PNG

Please check the individual datasheets for individual approvals, as this can vary per device.

The Discovery Marine Optical Smoke Detector are high-specification devices using the light scatter principle to quickly detect fire while effectively managing false alarms.

The Discovery Marine Multi-Sensor Detector consists of optical smoke and thermistor temperature sensors which give a combined signal for improved false alarm management.

The Discovery Marine Heat Detector features a low airflow resistance case and a single thermistor to sense the air temperature around the detector.

The Orbis Marine Optical Smoke Detector operates on the well-established light scatter principle. However, the sensing technology is radically different in design from previous optical detectors and significantly reduces false alarms.

The Orbis Marine Multisensor Detector benefits from the same false alarm reduction technology as the optical detector, with the addition of a heat sensing element.

The Orbis Marine Heat Detector uses a single thermistor to sense the air temperature around the detector.